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James V. Lacy

U.S. Senator Sam Brownback to speak at WCPAC

   Presidential candidate U.S. Senator Sam Brownback has confirmed he will be a speaker at the upcoming Western Conservative Political Action Conference in Newport Beach on October 12-13.  

   A copy of the current conference agenda is attached.  Other confirmed speakers include Mike Reagan, who is the General Chairman of the Conference and will be leading a panel on the Conference’s theme, "Preserving the Reagan Legacy."  Other top speakers who are confirmed include State Senator Tom McClintock, Dave Keene (Chairman of the American Conservative Union); Joel Fox, President of the Small Business Action Committee; Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn.; Lew Uhler, President of the National Tax Limitation Committee; San Bernardino County Assessor Bill Postmus;  radio-talk show hosts Melanie Morgan (KSFO San Francisco), Gregg Jackson (WRKO Boston), and Mark Larson (1700 AM, San Diego); and Hoover Institute Fellow and author Dinesh D’Souza.  A host of other conservative elected officials will be on hand, including a number of other presidential candidates to be confirmed, and the agenda is being updated daily as new speakers are added to the two-day event.  Special events will also include a luncheon with D’Souza, two dinner functions, and a panel on "blogging" that will include Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, Conference co-chair Floyd Brown, and blogger Rob Neppell.

   Information on registration and hotel accommodations can be obtained at