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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Media Trys Hard To Not Understand the Governor – GOP Conflict

Kevin Yamamura and all the other Sacramento based journalists have no understanding of the lack of relationship between the Governor and State GOP.  We aren’t talking about Republicans being more moderate.  Arnold Schwarzenegger is not governing from the center, and thus is nothing close to a "moderate".  Profligate spending (worse than Davis), massive borrowing (into an uncertain economy), health care taxes (what a novel idea!), ridiculous "greenhouse gas" legislation (let’s run MORE business out of California), scores of judges appointed that don’t support the death penalty, and the like, are all leftist policies.  It isn’t that the GOP isn’t moderate, we refuse to be dragged left of center. 

Throw in a pinch of ignoring Bruce McPherson and Tom McClintock in the last election, "dissing" GOP legislators altogether in 2006, and leaving the State GOP in debt, and it is no surprise that the GOP and Governor are not on the same playing field.

The Governor gets high marks for Workers’ Comp reform, easily his most significant public policy achievement, and for the reform measures he attempted to pass in 2005.   He gets low marks for throwing in the towel on reform issues after November, 2005.

The print media must try awfully hard to not understand the issues involved here.  Conservative public policy hasn’t been advanced in Sacramento in two years, and in Washington for six years.

3 Responses to “Media Trys Hard To Not Understand the Governor – GOP Conflict”

  1. Says:

    The Governor also gets high marks for his efforts to create parity on the California Apprenticeship Council with good appointments and other union vs non-union issues.

  2. Says:

    Thanks for a concise and solid commentary, Michael. Amy Lyons

  3. Says:

    The Governor would get even higher marks on the California Apprenticeship Council if he would abolish the whole thing with his line-item veto. Why are we borrowing from our grandkids to provide job training to people who don’t want it? What a waste!

    The best job-training program is a job — and you don’t need state government to pay for it.