We’re committed to presenting a spectrum of views (within reason) on the healthcare debate taking place in Sacramento. With the Governor’s promised veto of AB 8, we’re very pleased to share with you this column from long-time FR friend Ruben Barrales, who is President of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce…A couple of weeks ago, I met at a local Chinese restaurant with many fellow San Diego-area colleagues, including the North San Diego Chamber, Scripps Health System, Sharp Health Care and Bumble Bee Foods. We were not there to eat (although the place does have great food), but rather we were gathered to show our support for the Governor’s approach to health care reform.
After a business roundtable in San Diego with the Governor months ago and numerous meetings with his staff, I’ve come to support the Governor’s approach to health care reform. His way is one that is fair to both employers and employees. While I don’t always agree with the Governor on everything, he is always willing to take on big problems. And health care is no exception.
Our meeting in San Diego was only two weeks ago, but so much has happened on health care reform since then. The biggest news was AB 8 passing out of the Senate and Assembly yesterday and heading to the Governor’s desk.
I applaud the Governor for committing to veto AB 8, which would create a back-door approach to single payer health care. It imposes stiff penalties on employers and places the entire burden of expanding access to health insurance on the backs of business. The bill also fails to achieve universal coverage, fails to institute individual responsibility and unnecessarily disrupts the existing market-based healthcare system. It doesn’t even end the hidden tax, which has led to ever-increasing premiums in recent years – the biggest health care burden on business.
I am not surprised by the Governor’s pledge to veto AB 8, as he has always said that a plan cannot place an unfair financial burden on businesses. I commend the Governor’s leadership in calling a special session. With this extra time, the Legislature must actually utilize the Governor’s principles of funding through shared responsibility, providing guarantee issue for everyone, requiring individuals to have health care coverage, and providing for increased reimbursements for providers.
I’m glad that the Governor and the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce share common health care principles and the goal of achieving health care reform this year. I will continue to support the Governor’s efforts for a package that is good for California and fair to the business community. Any compromise must ensure that our current health care system will improve – not create a back-door approach to single payer like AB 8.
Ruben Barrales is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Barrales joined the Chamber this year after serving as deputy assistant to President George W. Bush, where he was the President’s liaison to state and local elected officials.