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Brandon Powers

Q: How much does the CCPOA love Bonnie Garcia? A: $425,878.99

UPDATE:  See attachment

I’ve been reading on the FlashReport and hearing around that the prison guard union is trying to codify the sweetheart deal contract that they got from Gray Davis into a law. It’s very ironic that in this situation, our global warming alarming "green action hero" Governor is actually doing the right thing — which is negotiating firmly with a union, trying to undo some of the lavish pay hikes that they were given by Davis. More insidious than the big bucks in that contract was that Davis literally bargained away much of the management authority of the Corrections Department. I figured it would be a labor-loving Democrat that would be carrying this dog-with-fleas legislation. So it piqued my curiosity when I heard that termed-out GOP Assemblywoman Bonnie "Ban the Trans-Fats" Garcia was carrying this last-minute gut-and-amend bill. Thanks to the internet, I took a peek over at the Secretary of State’s website just to see if perhaps Garcia had been the recipient of some "love" from the CCPOA. To be honest with you, it takes a lot to make me pause. This did…

Since 2002, Garcia has benefited from a whopping $425,878.99 from the CCPOA — which floored me.

I’ve heard the adage, "You get what you pay for…"

To be honest, I don’t blame Garcia for being the beneficiary of labor union contributions. But to turn around and then carry legislation to give the employees of that union a big pay raise, and provide an end-around collective bargaining when the Governor is dealing with them with a strong hand… Well, that just makes the whole thing stink.

I sure hope that everyone else sees this for what it is, and that the GOP en masse doesn’t put its mark of approval on this kind of thing.

One Response to “Q: How much does the CCPOA love Bonnie Garcia? A: $425,878.99”

  1. Says:

    Well, i did my best.