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Shawn Steel

9/11 Two Anniversaries …Europe Saved From Muslim Extremists ..324 years ago

Just six years ago, our two oceans protection strategy crumbled. Radical Islam’s resurgence came swift and deadly. Central Europe faced the same resurgence just 324 years ago.

 My family visited Vienna last summer. When we asked the hotel’s concierge where we would find Monuments of Vienna’s most important day, the Siege of Vienna by Muslim Jihadists in 1683, the otherwise bright guide didn’t understand my inquiry. 

In Sept 11 and 12th of 1683, the Ottoman Turks, after years of planning, had Vienna under siege by  hundreds of thousands of soldiers. After hundreds of years and countless victims conquering Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania and most of eastern Europe, the Turks were determined to conquer Europe. The most effective soldiers for the Turks armies were the legendary Janissary. Mostly composed of Greek and eastern European Christian boys seized from their families to create a "new soldier". Much like the modern day totalitarian armies, boys, as young as 8 years, were indoctrinated into radical Islam. They were forced to "unlearn" their culture in order to destroy it. 

It was King Jan Sobiesky, keeping his agreement with Austria, who left his  Poland to literally ride to the rescue. Bringing over 30,000 Hussars,  heavily "armed" cavalry with "wings" literally attached to their backs. Each Hussar, carried an 18 foot lance and two swords. Sobiesky seeing the enemy surrounding Vienna below about 3 miles from a hill called Kalen Berg. Realizing  a weakness in the Muslim lines, Sobiesky ordered his prized Hussars into full dress charge. The mass of 30,000 horses and men with wings galloping at full speed from some 2 to 3 miles away going downhill toward the Muslims could not be stopped. The Turks were crushed, divided and scattered. In a single day, breaking the siege since July 14. The high water mark of Muslim expansion was temporarily stopped for 4 centuries. 

Today, the Viennese do not remember. Nor would they like giving the Poles much credit for anything. In fact, the Austrians provided only a small portion of troops. Protestant Germans, temporarily stopped fighting the Catholic Austrians, brought forth an additional 25,000 troops to resist the Muslim invasion. 

Without the victory of the Siege of Vienna, many of us would not be reading this post today. Or we might be reading another version in Arabic.

3 Responses to “9/11 Two Anniversaries …Europe Saved From Muslim Extremists ..324 years ago”

  1. Says:

    Excellent read! On today’s date, a most timely reference to a historic and present enemy of Western Civilization values. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Says:

    Today the muslims are taking over the continent of Europe without firing a shot. Their secret weapon, procreation, muslims are and we are not.

  3. Says:

    You won’t be reading it in Arabic, you’d be reading it in Turkish. The Ottomans are Turks. Most of the Muslim world does not speak Arabic. There already are European Muslim countries such as Albania and Bosnia and the former is the most pro-American in the continent. I agreed with everything until that point.