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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

AB 8, Health Care Bill Up

Update:  AB 8 passes tonight by a vote of 45-31…heading for the Guv’s guillotine.  [After terms like health care being "a right"  were used in the debate.]  I wonder who has "the right" to then pay for that "right", the children of parents who have to spend even more time at work to pay for this "right" conferred by goverment to others?  Does government have the answer when it is only willing to add to the mandates that drive up costs, not tackle the cost drivers, the litigation, the discouragement of competitition, the illegal immigrants receiving benefits not playing by the immigration rules?  We are a compassionate people that will help the deserving.  This isn’t the answer. 

After passing out of the Senate earlier 22-17, with 2 Dem "no" votes, the discussion is now on our floor, of taxing businesses to pay for health care for all.  The Guv has sent a memo out promising a veto on this measure.  This discussion could go for an hour or two, with a known outcome.  Maybe we can come back later and address what drives up the cost of health care, instead of socializing it.

2 Responses to “AB 8, Health Care Bill Up”

  1. Says:

    So is health care a “privilege”?

    Why is it that EVERY other advanced nation in the world makes health care a right for its citizens? And why is it that Republicans are standing up for the profiteering insurance companies?

  2. Says:

    Steven: Don’t you have better things to do for your boss besides spying on Republicans and making ridiculous posts on Flashreport?

    Since you asked the question, the mentality of our citizens for a “handout” from the central state is pathetic and needs to come to a screeching halt.

    Besides, the Assemblyman makes a valid argument, we have come to rely on the “Nanny Government” to solve problems by robbing Peter to pay for Paul problems!

    Does the government owes me a right by fixing my hearing loss through free hearing aid batteries and/or new hearing aids? NO!

    No thanks to your desire by implementing the “Democratic- Liberal Manifesto” by digging deep in my pocket and by pandering those that can’t fend for themselves.

    We, as citizens of this beloved republic, are entitled to “rights” as defined in the U.S. Constitution.

    However, we have lost our way, which would have our founding fathers rollover their graves if they had known how big our government has become 230 years later.