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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Prominent Past State GOP Chairman Oppose Perata/Nunez Term Limits End-Run

Tomorrow will mark the opening of the California Republican Party’s Fall Convention in Indian Wells, out in the Palm Springs area.  At this convention, delegates will have the opportunity to take positions on initiatives that are going to appear on the February ballot (or beyond).  Based on the extremely positive feedback that I have received on my resolution to put the CRP on record as opposing the Don Perata/Fabian Nunez Term-Limits End Run Initiative (yes, their very own ballot measure, funded with politically extorted special interest donations, to extend their time in office for many more years), it would appear that there will be overwhelming opposition to this attempt to weaken term limits…  I am pleased that four important state Republican leaders, all former Chairman of the California Republican Party, have weighed in with an important message to CRP members…


CRP Chairman, 1995-1997

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Prominent Past State GOP Chairman Oppose Perata/Nunez Term Limits End-Run”

  1. Says:

    Ah, more shameless self-promotion!

    Where are the chairman from 2003 – present? Where are the Republican leaders of the legislature? Hmmm.

  2. Says:

    I am not sure I understand the ‘self-promotion’ angle here? Unless you doubt my sincerety in opposing what your boss is up to? I assure you that I believe that the term-limits end run is poor public policy.

    Anyways, I would presume that out of courtesy to your boss and negotiations on redistricting, that Ackerman and Villines are holding off on opposing the measure quite yet. I will leave it to you to intepret what it means that both Caucus Chairmen (Runner and Huff) are strong supporters of putting the GOP on record.

    Now, as to Duf Sundheim (Chairman from 2003 – 2007), I called him and left him a voicemail giving him an opportunity to sign on — which he ignored. Oh well.

  3. Says:

    Nice to see that the Democratic Speaker’s press spokesman is trying to tell Republicans what to do.

    BTW, Steve, four out of the five last CRP Chairs oppose the misleading initiative sponsored by your boss to hang on to his power.