Just over the transom, the office of Congressman John Doolittle has put out this release, in response to reports that two of his top aides have been subpeonaed by a Federal Grand Jury. Doolittle brings up a good points — both of the staff members in question are relatively new additions to his team, so you have to wonder what they could add to the knowledge-base of prosecutors?

Justice Department Continues to Move Slowly, More Than Three Years into the Investigation
WASHINGTON, D.C. – For more than three years, federal authorities have failed to uncover any wrongdoing in regards to Congressman John T. Doolittle (R – Roseville). Today, two members of the congressman’s staff informed the Speaker of the House that they will testify before a Federal Grand Jury this week, with hopes of putting the matter to an end. Both individuals joined the congressman’s staff long after the federal investigation began.
"I think everyone can agree that this issue needs closure," Doolittle said. "Three years seems like more than adequate time to determine the facts. I look forward to the truth finally being established and hope that we may have a resolution soon," he concluded.
Congressman Doolittle has not been deterred from his daily activities, despite the slow pace of the investigation. As early as last week, he made numerous stops throughout his district, meeting with area schools, local elected officials, and business leaders.
Congressman Doolittle continues to get funding for critical projects and programs for his district. Interstate 80 (I-80) widening at the bottleneck in Roseville is underway as well as construction for the new interchange at Sierra College and I-80 in Rocklin, the new Folsom Bridge over the American River and the Highway 65 Bypass in Lincoln. These projects are indicative of Rep. Doolittle’s commitment to the infrastructure needs for the rapidly growing district.