Just off the transom from the Doolittle for Congress campaign, in response to Assemblyman Ted Gaines opening an exploratory committee to look at a run against Doolittle in the upcoming GOP primary…:LOYALTY MATTERS
By former State Senator and Assemblyman Tim Leslie
As Benjamin Franklin said so well, so long ago, "a friend in need is a friend indeed". Our friend John Doolittle is under attack from the liberal left and now from those to whom he has shown true friendship.
In a startling and disappointing display of opportunism and self promotion, Ted Gaines has broken the faith not only with a true friend — John Doolittle — but with the cause for which John has born the standard for so many years. Of course, those of us who have fought in the arena beside John Doolittle know not only his actions, but over time, his character. John has never wavered in defense of the unborn. He has never faltered in defense of the second amendment. He has never shirked the battle for freedom.
And yet, those who see an opportunity to advance themselves stand ready and willing to join the Sacramento Bee and their left wing minions in viciously attacking John Doolittle. Shame on these small men.
I am calling on you to join me in rejecting the designs of the misguided few. Their faithless assault will only result in harming the conservative cause and the America we love.
America needs John Doolittle. He is our friend. Please join me in supporting him.

August 31st, 2007 at 12:00 am
“America needs John Doolittle?”
A little over the top, don’t you think, Tim?
August 31st, 2007 at 12:00 am
John Doolittle is ethically challenged. Let’s face reality here guys. He’s going to lose if runs for re-election. All Assemblyman Gaines is doing is positioning himself in case Cong Doolittle retires or is indicted. When the FBI raids your house, you might want to think about hanging up your cleats.
August 31st, 2007 at 12:00 am
Integrity is very important issue that voters see in an elected officials!
I surely would hope that Former Assemblyman/Senator Tim Leslie would understand that Integrity matters more than Loyalty!
September 1st, 2007 at 12:00 am
Just an FYI – the “friend in need” quote did not originate with Benjamin Franklin.
It’s a variation of a Quintus Ennius (around 200 BC) quote “Amicu certus in re incerta cernitur” – in English that’s: “a sure friend is known when in difficulty.”
It was used a number of times, including Caxton’s Sonnes of Aymon, 1489: “It is sayd, that at the nede the frende is knowen.” and in the play Everyman which was produced in the late 15th century.
Franklin, being very well read, was likely repeating the phrase in his own writing.