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Mike Spence

The Buzz – Perata/Nunez Term Limits End-Run won’t make February Ballot?

**Update 830pm – Apparently the local county registrar offices until 9/28 to perform this manual count.  That is a tall order, but right about now I am sure that Fabian Nunez is using every means at his disposal to "crack the whip" on county governments.  The drive of Fabian Nunez to extend his career knows no bounds — Flash**

I am on an informative trip to Sacramento today, indeed.

Unknown to all of us in the real world, apparently all of those watching the signature verification for the Perata/Nunez measure have been noting the very low percentage of valid signatures.

Well, apparently Los Angeles County just came in with what I am told is a very low 59% rate.

Now, are the low qualification numbers enough to keep this measure off of the ballot?  No.  But it is very likely that this will keep it off of the all-important-for-termed-out-incumbents February ballot.

When the random-sample percentages are too low, then a longer manual count begins in the 58 Country Registrar offices.  But this process would take too long for the measure to be on the February ballot…  And so anyone who is termed out in ’08 CANNOT FILE FOR RE-ELECTION.

This, of course, leaves the GOP holding all of the cards, as it would take a 2/3 vote of the Senate and the Assembly to place a measure on the February ballot.  Gee, what does that GOP wish list look like?  Fair redistricts that includes an independent commission, nested districts AND U.S. House Districts!  Of course, for good measure, we can throw in a termination of this run to socialize healthcare in California.  Or maybe…no deal, and we just send Perata and Nunez off to the private sector looking for work?

As Matt Druge (and Jon Fleischman) like to say… DEVELOPING…

(Oh yes, this is ‘breaking news’ after checking the various blogs…)

2 Responses to “The Buzz – Perata/Nunez Term Limits End-Run won’t make February Ballot?”

  1. Says:

    Thank God for the two-thirds rule. I was rather dismayed to read today’s OC Register editorial that supports this “non-binding” Resolution.

    Two years ago Cindy Sheehan’s caravan parked in front of president Bush’s Crawford Ranch to protest the war. Since that time numerous polls have been conducted on this very issue. If the Dem controlled legislature wanted to press this wasted effort, why didn’t they shoot for last Nov instead of Feb. 2008?
    You have covered it well. It’s all about a Term Limits extension.

  2. Says:

    Great work, Mike !

    Don’t you love it when mischief-makers paint themselves
    into a corner. :)