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Brandon Powers

Republicans Win In Sacramento!

Earlier tonight in Sacramento, the Republicans beat the Democrats.

I’m serious.

No, it wasn’t on the budget, or on a floor vote, or on some legislative procedure, or anything that might’ve helped California families, businesses, or taxpayers.

But the Republicans did beat the Democrats at something else. Softball!

Last night was the annual legislative softball game – where the Republican squad continued their dominance and extended their series lead to 6 – 1.

Orange County Republican Assemblyman Todd Spitzer put the Republicans out to an early lead with a 1st inning home run.

Freshman Assemblyman Cameron Smyth carried much of the of burden for the team through the middle innings – making two catches in center field that according to one in attendence “would’ve made Twins Gold Glove centerfielder Torii Hunter jealous.” And, as if that weren’t enough, Smyth added a grand slam home run in the 4th to cement his game MVP honors.

The game had plenty of drama, as the Democrats scored 2 runs in the top of the 7th to tie the game up. However, in the bottom of the 7th, San Diego Assemblyman George Plescia came to bat – and in doing his best Kirk Gibson impersonation – hit a game-winning, walk-off home run to give the Republicans a 9-8 victory!

Now, if we could just get more Committee votes to go that way!

(Big thanks to FR Friend Scott Carpenter for the pictures and the play-by-play.)