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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Legislators As Generals

Should Californians vote to withdraw troops from Iraq?

A bill to place an "advisory measure" on the February Term Limit Extension Election ballot [that the presidential primary will share] passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee today, with all of us Republicans voting no.  

The ballot question would ask voters whether the President should end the "occupation" of Iraq, and also whether the President and Congress should provide "necessary diplomatic and non-military assistance to promote peace and stability in Iraq and the Middle East."

This measure, known in bill form as SB 924, will now proceed to the Assembly floor, where it needs only a majority vote [plus a Senate vote concurring on Assembly amendments] to place it on the Governor’s desk.  

Even placing this measure on the ballot in front of 37 million Californians would very likely be seen as giving aid to those whom our soldiers are fighting and a very bad signal to the confidence of those forming the fledgling new government of Iraq.  Should it pass, the impact to our fighting men and women’s morale could be even worse.  

Using this issue as a tool to play politics with our soldiers overseas is reprehensible…for what is likely just a ploy to drive up left-wing voter turnout, voters that would likely support the Term Limit Extension in that election.  

Obviously it is only an advisory and not binding on how our military is governed.  However, using this as a political bargaining chip brings shame on anyone engaging in it.  This measure sends all the wrong signals and, in it’s possible passage off our floor, deserves the Governor’s swift, unequivocal veto.

One Response to “Legislators As Generals”

  1. Says:

    I totally agree with you on your assessment relative to the “advisory measure” on the Iraq and the troops.

    I made my views known to my local paper, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin “Letters to the Editor”, which was published on April 16, 2007:

    Dear Editor:

    On April 5th, 2007, Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata (D-Oakland) announced ballot measure “Vote Us Out” of Iraq, which is merely advisory.

    How cleverly Senator Perata moved up the California Presidential Primary from traditional June to February ballot at the cost of $90 Milion from the state treasury.

    After weeks of negotiations between the legislature and the Governor to move up the Presidential primary, Senator Perata was not forthcoming about his intentions to include the advisory measure.

    It is obvious the measure will be approved by the Democratic-control legislature, but requires signature from Governor Schwarzenegger to put this ill advised measure on the February 2008 statewide ballot.

    Governor Schwarzenegger should exercise his veto authority on this proposal when it reaches his desk and leave the Iraq situation wtih the President and the Military Commanders on the ground.

    Therefore, Mr. Perata needs to focus on matters affecting California with due diligence of his duties as a state official.