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Jon Fleischman

Dems Berg, Evans Campaigning On Assembly Floor

Apparently campaigning is done a little bit "differently" if you are a Democrat legislator from Northwestern California.  Democrat Assemblywomen Noreen Evans and Patti Berg apparently were so anxious to make sure that their legislative colleagues attend their upcoming fundraising events that they just distributed their event invitations right on the Assembly floor!

Looking at these photos of the campaign materials distrubuted on the desks of Democrat Members in the Assembly Chambers, there may be a bargain to he had.  To be a "Plato Fuerte" sponsor for Noreen Evan’s upcoming fundraising event will cost you a cool $3600 bucks (if you are in Sacramento and free tomorrow night.  But note the word "complimentary" emblazoned on both the Evans and Berg flyers.  Perhaps you can print this e-mail, and take it to the event and get admitted for no charge.

H/T to our special photographer who earlier today snapped these photos.  Let’s see if Common Cause demonstrates any outrage at Democrats campaigning in the legislative chambers… Don’t hold your breath…

(Need a higher resolution photo?  Let me know!  Best RSVP quickly as I hear seats are going quickly!)

One Response to “Dems Berg, Evans Campaigning On Assembly Floor”

  1. Says:

    Are there Assembly Rules that forbids this kind of activity?

    Isn’t anyone going to ask the questions? Who is going to answer? Assembly Rules Committee? FPPC? Attorney General? Legislative Counsel?

    Common Cause knows in all hearts of hearts the ANSWER to this kind of campaign activity on the floor of the Assembly IS WRONG.

    I challenge Common Cause to be HONEST.