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Jon Fleischman

Asm. Ted Gaines: Praise for Senate Republicans, and the need for real spending reform…

This just in exclusively for FR readers from GOP Assemblyman Ted Gaines:

Senate Republicans are standing firm, demanding that state spending be reduced even further in the budget plan currently being debated, so our fiscal problems don’t grow worse.  I commend them for defending taxpayers and wish them well as they advocate for lower spending.

This summer’s budget stalemate – and the divide between Democrats and Republicans on increasing spending – reinforces the need to pass common-sense legislation I have introduced to end runaway spending once and for all. 

My legislation, Assembly Constitutional Amendment 3, would restore the Gann Spending Limit to the State Constitution, limiting the growth in spending every year to the increase in population and inflation.  Any excess revenue would be dedicated to funding important priorities shared by California families – funding our schools, setting up a prudent budget reserve and providing tax relief for hard-working Californians.

Had my legislation been in place this year, there would be no excuses for Democrats.  By law, they would only be allowed to increase spending by the annual growth in population and inflation.  Since they apparently can’t control spending on their own, forcing them to adhere to a strict spending limit would require them to better prioritize spending to meet the people’s needs.

While taxpayers are concerned about overspending in Sacramento as we work to pass a balanced budget, we must not lose sight of the fact that spending in Washington is also out of control.  Since taking charge in January, Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in Congress have gone on a spending spree, proposing $22 billion in higher spending.

Though Speaker Pelosi promised to rein in earmarks, the process by which politicians sneak through money for pork projects, Democrats have shown that spending more of your money trumps any promise.  Not only have they approved hundreds of millions in new earmarks this year, they are also pushing higher taxes to pay for a new government health care program.

Whether in Sacramento or Washington, the message from California taxpayers to their elected officials is clear – it’s time to get serious about ending overspending, period.  I share their concerns, and will be working hard in the coming months to stop wasteful government spending.

Assemblyman Ted Gaines, R-Roseville, represents the 4th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the counties of Placer, Sacramento, El Dorado, and Alpine.

One Response to “Asm. Ted Gaines: Praise for Senate Republicans, and the need for real spending reform…”

  1. Says:

    Mr. Gaines: Can you please detail the cuts you propose in this year’s budget from law enforcement and education in order to meet the requirements of your bill? I’m curious.