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Jon Fleischman

Sen. Denham’s Chief blasts Mike Genest in E-mail

The e-mail below was forwarded on to me by two different State Senate staffers.  It is the text of an "open" e-mail sent by Jim Kjol, Chief of Staff to State Senator Jeff Denham, to Mike Genest, the Governor’s Finance Director (it was cc’d to a plethora of others, including my two sources).  I should note it was sent from Kjol’s personal e-mail.  The e-mail speaks for itself…

Mike, I’ve got to tell you that your intentional support or unwitting assistance to the crackpots and deadbeats pushing a recall against Senator Jeff Denham is unconscionable.

You walked precincts for Jeff in 2002 but now have crossed-over to join sore loser Wiley Nickel, liberal magpies Steven Maviglio and Bob Mullholland, and a washed-up Art Torres, in giving them fodder to try to remove Jeff from office . . . all because he won’t support a pork-laden, unbalanced budget.  What in world are you thinking?

You must be aware that your buddies/bosses – Susan Kennedy, Daniel Zingale and Mary Nichols – were all key players in the failed Davis Administration that brought us the Oracle scandal, the electricity debacle and the $38 billion state budget deficit.  And now you, Dan Dunmoyer and Mike Chrisman are doing their bidding by writing ridiculous letters and running around the state playing "Chicken Little."  Shame on you.

Mike, next time Susan Kennedy tells you to jump, instead of asking her "How high Susan?", you might want to just say "No."


7 Responses to “Sen. Denham’s Chief blasts Mike Genest in E-mail”

  1. Says:

    Why not organize a recall of Abel Maldanado?

  2. Says:


  3. Says:

    Poor Jim. Apparently he’s a little touchy after his phone has been ringing off the hook from the constituents in his district who want his boss to pass a budget. Apparently in the absence of facts, he now has to resort to personal character attacks.

    Perhaps he might recall that the Oracle “scandal” resulted in no findings of wrongdoing whatsoever, and that his friends at Enron and the other energy pirates (as well as all the Republican Senators who voted for deregulation) were behind the energy debacle that griped the state.

    And maybe he could tell us why his boss voted for the $5 billion annual tax cut that has put the state behind the fiscal eight-ball.

    Signed, Your Favorite Magpie

  4. Says:

    Steve — just out of curiosity, do you ever actually do any real work other than pontificating — to an audience that really doesn’t care what you have to say — while on the taxpayers’ dime?

    Your Pal,


  5. Says:

    Get my name spelled correctly! Bob Mulholland

  6. Says:

    Peter, my friend …

    As a fellow legislative staffer, you know as well as I do that if there is a legislative nexus to an issue at hand (in this case, the state budget) than we’re free to communicate on a website, just as we do in the mainstream media. Judging by the response to my comments on here, some people actually do care and engage in debate without snide attacks on my work ethic (Sorta like some people care about passing a state budget, unlike the Senate Republicans).

  7. Says:

    Bob…awful touchy over the spelling thing…self esteem classes might be in order…or a deep breath.