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Time for Substantive Dialogue and Positive Solutions

That was the subject line of an email I received from Newt Gingrich’s American Solutions announcing his his speech at the National Press Club.

The 30 minute speech is classic Gingrich — I guarantee if you start it, you’ll watch the whole thing.

Gingrich makes the case that our country  hasn’t been at such a major crossroads since the 1850s and that their is no national dialog taking place between presidential candidates.  Everything is being digested into 30 second sound bites.

In his speech Gingrich challenges the presidential candidates of both parties to commit to dialog debates, that he calls the "Nine Nineties in Nine" debates. You can read more about the "Nine Nineties in Nine" debates by clicking here.  Basically he wants each party’s nominee to agree to 9 90-minute debates over 9 weeks.  He believes that their shouldn’t be a moderator, just a time keeper and that the topics should be large and broad based.