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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: U.S. Rep. John Campbell takes on Congressional Pork on Hannity and Colmes

As FR readers know, California Congressman John Campbell has become a leader for fiscal responsibility in the House of Representatives, bravely taking on the issue of egregious earmarks. We couldn’t be more proud of him, and take as a point of pride that he is a contributor and blogger on this website.

This obsession with wasteful pork has infected Congressman in a terrible way. The Club for Growth has released a startling and information "RePork" Card (which you can preview here) — next week we’ll be walking FR readers through the results of how our California Delegation voted on fifty separate votes to remove from Appropriations Bills some of the most outrageous wasteful spending you have ever seen.

In the meantime, we invite you to take about six minutes to watch Congressman Campbell’s appearance last night on the FoxsNews Channel’s Hannity and Colmes program (h/t to CfG for uploading the video)…