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Jon Fleischman

Senate GOP Leader Dick Ackerman: We Must Act Now To Protect Our Future

We just received this from Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman:

Last night Senate Republicans held firm once again to our conviction that the proposed budget fails to either balance or reduce the structural deficit.  Nor does the budget include language to prevent frivolous lawsuits that delay building roads, schools and hospitals.

We cannot continue to ignore the state’s precarious economic standing.  A thirty-percent growth in the state budget over recent years and a projected more than $5 billion deficit for next year, has forced a day of reckoning.  Faltering revenues and a slumping housing market has only perpetuated the crisis.  California cannot continue to live on borrowed time.  The state’s credit card is maxed out.  We cannot load the ever growing deficit on to the backs of our children and grandchildren and put this state at a greater economic disadvantage.  We must now make some tough choices and deal with these problems head-on.

Adding to the economic paralysis is the Attorney General’s continued threats to use state resources to file lawsuits, and in some cases actually sue counties from using taxpayer dollars for infrastructure and new housing projects for failure to mitigate green house gas emissions to regulations not yet adopted.  These lawsuits threaten millions of taxpayer dollars intended for roads, schools, parks, and clean water projects.  This is simply unacceptable.  We simply request that special interest groups may not sue until regulations are adopted. 

We have not turned a blind eye to those constituents who need key services. Senate Republicans made the motion to pass a continued appropriations bill to ensure that all key programs receive the necessary funding.  Unfortunately, the Democrats played politics and tabled the motion.   

Senate Republicans stand ready to continue discussions to bring about a responsible balanced budget.  Now it is up to our Democrat counterparts to comeback to the table.  We will continue to serve as the conscience that demands fiscal prudence and restraints against frivolous lawsuits.  We must act now to protect our future.