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Mike Spence

AD 60: Does Larry Dick or Curt Hagman have all the slates?

A funny thing happened while looking at the campaign reports for AD 60 candidates Larry Dick and Curt Hagman.
During this early stage of the campaign there is a lot of focus on money and of course strategy. One strategy is to buy slate cards early so your opponent can’t buy them
On April 18 of this year Larry Dick’s campaign sent $5,128 to the coveted “Save Prop 13 Committee” Slate and on April 26th sent a grand to probably “reserve” a slot on the "Republican Women’s Voice" Slate card.
Not to be outdone Curt Hagman’s campaign on May 11 sent $1,000 to “Save Proposition 13” Slate Card and $1000 to the “Republican Woman’s Voice” Slate Card.
Campaign Reports show these to be the same slates.
If a candidate tells you they have “locked up” all the slates. The obvious questions is whether their opponent has as well?
The real question is who really will be on the slates? Fortunately, The person who runs these slates happens to be a FR Correspondent. Maybe we will find out.
BTW Dennis Mountjoy and Bob Huff are both on the slate for the 29th Senate Distrcit race.

One Response to “AD 60: Does Larry Dick or Curt Hagman have all the slates?”

  1. Says:

    Mike: Our “Landslide Communications” slates (you can push the third advertisement button from the top on right side of the FlashReport homepage to see our slates) sometimes take deposits from more than one candidate, and after we make a final decision, we promptly refund the deposit to the candidates not chosen. This is especially the case with the Save Prop. 13 slate, and is clearly stated on the candidate invoice, because we actually research the candidates positions and seek input from members of the PAC Board of organizations such as HJTA. That process sometimes is not completed until after filing is over.