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Jon Fleischman

Californian ranks 3rd in Defense Appropriations Earmarks

Porkbusters has ID’d 1776 individual earmarks in the latest Defense Appropriation bill.

We’ll give you three guesses as to which Californian has the most (38, making him third over all in Congress)… 

What?  You think you already know the answer? 

Well, click here to verify your hunch.

Apparently Jerry Lewis (oh! I gave it away) is enough of an expert in these items to champion their funding requests — Center for Innovative Geospatial Technology, GeoSAR System Enhancements, Geospatial Intelligence Analysis Education, Joint Training Experimentation Program (JTEP), Homeland Defense Operational Planning System (HOPS), Lewis Center for Education Research, Norton AFB Infrastructure Improvements, MAGTGTC Range Transformation Initiative, Magneto Inductive Remote Activation Munition Systems MI-RAMS, Warrior Block 0 All-Weather, Hi-Fidelity Sensor Upgrades, MAGTFTC Range Transformation Initiative, Mobile Optical Sensor Suite (MOSS), Praetorian, Center for Advanced Surgical and Interventional Technology (CASIT), Cyber Threat Analytics, Integrated Information Technology Policy Analyses Research, Inter Turbine Burner for Turbo Shaft Engines, JGES for Improved Combat Situational Awareness, Magneto Inductive Remote Activation Munition Systems MI-RAMS, Portable Burn Debridement Laser Demo, Synchrotron-Based Scanning Research, Technology Commercialization and Management Network, Advanced Vehicle and Propulsion Center, Conventional Strike Missiles Capability Demonstration, Encapsulated Ballistic Protection System (EBPS), Integrated Propulsion Analysis Tool (IPAT), LOX/Methane Cooled Upper Stage Rocket Engine, Microsatellite Serial Manufacturing, 3D Electronics, Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Near Infrared Detector , Facility Security Using Tactical Surveys, Spintronics Memory Storage Technology, Unattended SIGINT Node, Commercialization of Advanced Technology (CAT), Flow Path Analysis Tool (FPAT), National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST) Skill Set Analysis (Note: Including $2M to support CRESST as a UARC for Educational and Training Technology Assessment), and Tactical Key Loader.

Now that’s one smart man.

Oh an honorable mention goes to the next highest earmark-getter from California, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, with a mere 15.

One Response to “Californian ranks 3rd in Defense Appropriations Earmarks”

  1. Says:

    No wonder Cong. Lewis’s staffers brag how much money he raises for Republicans. That’s a big bribe list. Saying the Congressman is in the pork trough is an insult to pigs who actually do eat from there!