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Jon Fleischman

The Details of the Senate Republican Budget Proposal

For all of you FR readers who want to be able to personally review the proposals by Senate Republicans, we are pleased, in working with Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman’s office, to provide links directly to some very helpful documents (all will download in .pdf format).

You can join the FlashReport in a fun game — what does the media do with these?  They have the same source documentation that you have available to you.  Let’s see if they manage to write any kind of balanced stories about the important fiscal reforms being championed by Senate Republicans…

Republican Budget: Specific Reductions
This spreadsheet enumerates specific State Budget reductions proposed by the Senate Republicans that will ensure a balanced spending plan for California.

Republican Budget: Trailer Bill Information
This document briefly describes the problems with two Budget Trailer Bills and the solutions proposed by the Senate Republicans.

Budget Comparison: Operating Deficit
This chart is a visual comparison of the Operating Deficits proposed by the Democrats for the State’s 2007-08 Budget and the surplus proposed by the Senate Republicans.

Budget Comparison: Spending by Agency
This spreadsheet compares the spending by California State Agencies under the current Budget with the Democrats deficit spending plan and Senate Republicans surplus proposal.

Democrat Budget: Spending Increases by Agency
This chart shows the increases in dollars and percentages of California State Agency spending from the 2004-05 Budget to the Democrats spending plan.

2 Responses to “The Details of the Senate Republican Budget Proposal”

  1. Says:

    Sadly, Senate Republicans are treating the budget like a “fun game.”

  2. Says:

    Steve these are some significant proposals here and if you read Tom McClintock’s piece he has 40 more serious proposals for you. I suggest you review them.You can get back to me later on those taxbreaks for movie producers.