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Jon Fleischman

Rudy’s Coffee Stop In Riverside

Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani made a campaign stop at the Coffee Depot in Riverside earlier today, and loyal FR reader Allen Wilson, who serves as Chairman of Rudy’s efforts in the City of Diamond Bar, was there.  He sent over this account of the event, that I thought we would share with FR readers…

The coffee house was huge, not your conventional Starbucks, but big enough to get enough supporters to fill in to hear the former New York City Mayor running for President.
The room was packed!  Shoulder to Shoulder of supporters for Rudy!  Roughly 100 was in attendance.  I was taken aback, because never would I think people would show up due to the sweltering morning heat, but they came just for Rudy and it was very exciting.
Rudy walked through the room and shook hands with every person possible and supporters got a chance to have their photos taken.  Rudy ordered his coffee, gave the cashier money and got change, which he put his change in the "tip" jar.  Now, I call that a humble person and he is very down to earth, witty and being himself.  Isn’t that what we need as the next 44th President of the United States?
The former New York Mayor talked about how to fight the war on terror and took his aim at the Democrats on their position on the war.  Rudy knows his material and is the kind of leader we need to protect our homeland. 
Despite all of this, what got me looking in the crowd was the good number of young people attending this meeting at the Coffee Depot.  I would assume that some were in the age of 18-26 years old.  What got me thinking is that, these young voters were born between 1986 and 1990 (Before and During the Fall of the Berlin Wall), they will cast their FIRST Presidential Election in 2008.  They are just as excited as I was when I got involved….errrr 20 years ago (gulps!).  I can now vision our recruiting drive for volunteers in 2008 and its the College kids that will make a difference this time around. 
Key attendees:  Former GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Simon, Rick Archer 42nd CD Coordinator for Rudy!, Ed Chen Field Rep for Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel, and Field Representative from Assemblyman John Benoit’s office (Unfortunately, I forgot his name) and of course myself driving all the way from Diamond Bar (Though it was worth it!).
Whew!  I hope this sums up what an eventful morning I had in Riverside.

One Response to “Rudy’s Coffee Stop In Riverside”

  1. Says:

    Great coverage of Rudy’s stop in Riverside, Allen!