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Carl Fogliani

Aghazarian Unanimously Endorsed by Senate Republicans

Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian has received the unanimous endorsement of the Senate Republican Caucus in his race to succeed term-limited democrat Senator Mike Machado. 

Aghazarian continues to build momentum in what promises to be the hottest Senate race of the cycle.  With a history of running in targeted seats and a strong record of accomplishment, Aghazarian decided to run in the open 5th district and give the GOP it’s best shot at claiming this seat.  Aghazarian also brings a battle hardened political team to the table in a race without a strong Democrat candidate.

"Greg is positioned very well for this target seat," said Aghazarian Spokesman Tim Clark.  "He has shown a strong ability to win votes from independents and swing Central Valley Democrats.  And, he also has the advantage of not having an incumbent to run against."