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Mike Spence

What ever happened to Red China?

Remember the "oood old days". I do. Back in the 80’s conservatives like me on college campuses were focused on anti-communist activity. I still call The People’s Republic of China, “Red China”. Communists were communists and we were better dead than red!
I wrote an editorial in the Daily Bruin criticizing President Bush (the first) for doing nothing to China during the massacres at Tiananmen Square.
Those days are sadly passed as many self-described conservatives claim that the “free market” China is somehow better. Of course,there are also many business interests in China.
Now the cause for beating up Red China has passed to the Left. Coalitions of Free Tibet Hollywood types and members and sympathizers of the Falun Gong movement lead the charege. You can read an article here of how they are targeting Pasadena and the Rose Parade for sponsoring a Red China Olympic float and other ties.
Where are the conservatives???

One Response to “What ever happened to Red China?”

  1. Says:

    Conservatives are running scared because they are being criticized for too little sensitivity when it comes to international relations. The very libs that are castigating the Republican Party for failing to use enough diplomacy, are alienating both our allies and others by targetting them for human rights violations whether or not they are currently guilty of those trespasses. But, in general, they do not criticize, i.e. Chavez, Ahmadinejad and company, if they are frequently and fervently hostile to the current U.S. Administration whom they hate enthusiastically with their typical lack of rationale.