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Jim Battin

We’re Still Here

It’s 6:55am and I’m sitting on the Senate floor.  We’ve been here all night long.  All night.  We’ve been locked in and there are sergeants at every exit making sure we can’t leave.  I slept in a chair for about an hour (and btw – Dennis Hollingsworth snores :/ )

Ah – democracy at work.  Normally, I’d make some clever remark about the Assembly here, but we passed all the foolishness I’ve ever seen the Assembly engage in in my 13 years in the legislature.  It’s all rather quite embarrassing

To update you —- we’ve done nothing.

Yesterday, the Senate took up the irresponsible budget the Assembly passed the night before and defeated it (actually, it’s still "on call", but short of passage).  No Republican supported it.

The budget before us is out of balance, based on gimmicks, ignores existing debts and future obligations.  We’ve been real clear all along we couldn’t support it and that we needed to cut spending now to save the state a catastrophic problem next year.

So, after the budget bill went down the Senate Pro Tem Don Perata locked us in.

Get this, in the press all over the state Senator Perata is quoted as saying he won’t negotiate the budget with us – that it is good as it’s going to get.  And he was true to his word – not much of anything happened.  Leadership talked some – no movement – talked some more – no movement…..

My fellow Senate Republicans and I can only take his words to mean he plans on "breaking us" by keeping prisoner ’till we crack.

We’re made of sturdier stuff  – – – – and I sense a revolt coming…… there are a lot of tired and cranky Senators (Republican and Democrat) milling about.

6 Responses to “We’re Still Here”

  1. Says:

    Senator Battin:

    My apologies to you and the GOP Senators under the conditions you all have to endured under Perata! Sounds like Soviet-style dictatorship to me.

    Although I plead you all 15 GOP Senators to Hold Firm!

    My deepest sympathies that you had to endure the snoring by one of your colleagues.

    Not fun being hearing huh? Unlike myself, which I am hard of hearing and would have just tuned Hollingsworth snoring out, by turning off my hearing aids :)

  2. Says:

    Thanks Allen. Try as I may (and I do try), I just can’t seem to tune Hollingsworth out.

  3. Says:

    I, on the other hand, Jim, have had no trouble tuning you out…for the last five years…

  4. Says:

    Clearly, that explains some of your sketchy votes :)

  5. Says:

    It’s always great to know that there are Republicans that still have backbone and will stand up and fight for the citizens of this great state. It’s sad that the citizens don’t wake up and see the hole (that gets deeper and deeper) that their elected officials (No party mentioned) are putting them into. Real fiscal responsibility and accountability is needed.

  6. Says:

    We all owe a great debt of gratitude to the “Magnificent 15”. Thanks for hanging in there for the taxpayers, and keep up the fight for fiscal sanity!