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Jon Fleischman

Budget Dance in the Senate – Perata “locks the doors”

I have been in meetings most of the day, and returned to a plethora of emails asking for updates on the budget kabuki dance.

The Senate took up the budget as passed over in the Assembly, which failed on a 25-14 vote with all of the GOP Senators voting no except Abel Maldonado who courageously…abstained? Of course, this bloated and fat budget needs 27 votes to pass.

Senate President Don Perata has now in Soviet style “locked down” the Senate, keeping the members there to “force” some sort of bill through.

In hearing the concerns of Senate Republicans, it is clear that they should be commended, as they are insisting on a better budget for Californians.

It will be interesting to see what happens. Assembly GOP Leader did a deal, figuring it was as good as it was going to get. This is not good enough for Dick Ackerman and his GOP Senators.

Perhaps when Don Perata eventually grows up and “frees” the Senators, the Senate and Assembly GOPers can go somewhere and come to an agreement. That said, I am in favor of whomever wants to hold out for the best deal for taxpayers.

It is outrageous how the left-wing status quo of how our state government operates is allowed to go on budget after budget after budget.

Anyways, I will try to avoid lengthy meetings to keep you better updated.

One Response to “Budget Dance in the Senate – Perata “locks the doors””

  1. Says:

    Let us get this straight:

    Perata locks the Senate doors to find 2 votes and keep the roll open on the budget.

    Just earlier Perata says the budget was D.O.A. when it reached the upper chamber.

    We are confused as to who is the REAL Perata?

    There is one thing certain: the one pizza place in Sacramento surely is in good business tonight.