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Duane Dichiara

Fletcher Raises Big Bucks in AD75

I guess the subtitle on this one should be ‘Yeah I Know It’s A Self Serving Post’ but Fletcher is really burning it up finance-wise and shouldn’t not get posted because of his affiliation with me. I’m also not so good with changing font sizes on this thing so bare with me…



Over $300,000 COH from Strong Grassroots Support

SAN DIEGO – State Assembly candidate Nathan Fletcher (R-San Diego) today released his campaign finance report showing that he raised over $350,000 for his election and has over $300,000 cash on hand. The report, filed with the Secretary of State, covers fundraising from January 1 through June 30, 2007. 

“With less than a year remaining until the primary election, Nathan Fletcher’s fundraising has been phenomenal,” said incumbent Assemblyman George Plescia , who currently represents the 75th Assembly District, and is barred from running for re-election due to term limits. Plescia, who has endorsed Fletcher, added: “The total amount raised from so many individual supporters clearly demonstrates a broad base of support for Nathan’s campaign.”

Campaign consultant Duane Dichiara added:  “There are three things that really stand out in Nathan’s fundraising thus far:  1) It contains no personal loans to the campaign from the candidate; 2) There are hundreds of small dollar donors that gave $100 or less, demonstrating the incredible grassroots base that Nathan is building; and, 3) Nathan raised almost one-quarter of his donations online—he is really pioneering innovative and creative ways to reach new donors and voters.”

Nathan Fletcher is a Marine Corps combat veteran and San Diego businessman who is running for the Republican nomination in the 75th Assembly District.  The 75th Assembly District includes the northern part of the city of San Diego, Poway, and a portion of Escondido .   Political observers consider the 75th District a safe Republican seat.