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Mike Spence

JetBlue and Useful Idiots

The YearlyKos Convention is a collection of leftwing kooks and spoon benders that represent the real crazy part of the Democratic Party. Their sponsors include the usual suspects like the NEW, SIEU, and of course the publicly traded JetBlue airlines.

That’s right. I knew something was wrong when I flew JetBlue to the RNC Convention. The seats were comfy, they were nice to me. It was all a set up to try to spill GOP secrets. That won’t happen again.

Then again keeping in mind their recent problems maybe JetBlue is run by liberals that always wanted to be government workers.

H/T to Dennis C Smith and Helen Najar or the info .See the proof here.

One Response to “JetBlue and Useful Idiots”

  1. Says:

    Isn’t Jet Blue the airline that had the plan make an emergency landing at LAX after managing to get the front wheels twisted sideways. Other than pilot Scott Burke, who did a great job landing the jet, keeping its twisted wheels straight on the runway’s blue line, I have no use for any of them. I suggest you fly a red company like Southwest Airlines.