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Barry Jantz

Iran Divestment…Full Steam Ahead

This just in from the Anderson outpost, across the Potomac from the CalPERS Hessians fortressed down in defense of terrorist states….

Key Senate Committee Passes Anderson’s bill to divest California from Iran
Unanimous Vote by Senate Judiciary Committee

Sacramento, CA – Thursday, the California State Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously passed (5-0) Assemblyman Joel Anderson’s (R-El Cajon) Assembly Bill 221 to divest California’s public retirement funds from billions of dollars invested in key businesses that invest in Iran.

“Once again, I am excited that my colleagues in the State Senate have shown strong bi-partisan support and leadership for this legislation, which will end California taxpayer’s investment in key foreign companies that invest in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said Anderson. The legislation has 34 bipartisan coauthors.

AB 221, which was unanimously approved by the California State Assembly 75-0 two weeks ago, next goes to the Senate Appropriations committee prior to being voted on by the full Senate.

This historic legislation is the first of its kind in America, and 10 other states have followed California’s lead.

Assemblyman Anderson’s legislation has garnered national and international media coverage. He’s been covered in over 200 articles in 13 countries for this historic legislation. Media outlets include the Time Magazine, New York Times, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, CNBC and CNN Headline News.
