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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Doolittle on the War in Iraq

Because it is sometimes hard to discern what any Republican says about things when viewed through the filter of the main stream (liberal) media, here is some information from the office of Congressman John Doolittle making clear his position on the War in Iraq:

Congressman Doolittle has been a strong supporter of the war on terror and has not changed his position on the need for US military action in Afghanistan or Iraq.  The Congressman fully supports the mission of our troops.  Congressman Doolittle wants to see the Iraqi government become responsible for their own country more quickly.  This situation is not a matter of being at odds with the President.  In fact, Congressman Doolittle is sure the President would like to see the same result.

We must face reality.  Iraq is a region in the world where we are not necessarily going to see peace and tranquility or true democracy any time soon.  We have to look at defining success as establishing an Iraqi government that can maintain its own military, police and border security functions so that our troops can move off the front lines into the background in more of a support role.  The Congressman is also very clear on the fact that he does not favor setting a timetable for withdrawal, something in which both he and the President fully concur. 

The Congressman also indicated that he will refrain from making a firm decision on the future of US forces in Iraq until after Gen. David H. Petraeus’ report in September.  The Congressman publicly supported the troop build up and believes it is working. 

He expressed some concern that the report might indicate the need for a long-term (five years or more) presence of our troops on the front lines in Iraq.  He does believe that such a commitment is unacceptable.  He is hopeful this report may reveal a plan defined in months instead of years by which our forces will be off the front lines.  He believes the war on terror will require US troops to remain in Iraq as teachers and trainers but does not feel they should remain on the front lines where they will continue to be killed and gravely wounded.