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Jon Fleischman

Rudy announces Leadership Team – will open office in Glendale

Just off the transom from Team Rudy – a release stating that they will be openin a state headquarters in Glendale in Los Angeles County, and that their California Leadership Team consists of:

California State Chair
Bill Simon, Former California Republican Gubernatorial Nominee
California State Co-Chairs
Mary Bono, United States Congresswoman
David Dreier, United States Congressman
Jerry Lewis, United States Congressman
Devin Nunes, United States Congressman
George Radanovich, United States Congressman
Ed Royce, United States Congressman
Curt Pringle, Mayor of Anaheim
Greg Aghazarian, State Assemblyman
Ted Gaines, State Assemblyman
Sharon Runner, State Assemblywoman
Cameron Smyth, State Assemblyman
Chuck Poochigian, Former State Senator
Mike Antonovich, Los Angeles County Supervisor
Don Knabe, Los Angeles County Supervisor
John Herrington, Former State GOP Chair
Robert Naylor, Former State GOP Chair
Frank Visco, Former State GOP Chair
Michelle Steel, Board of Equalization Member
Dr. Joel Strom, Los Angeles Businessman

One Response to “Rudy announces Leadership Team – will open office in Glendale”

  1. Says:

    So, is this the list of the “new left” in California??
