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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Assembly GOP Leader Invites You To Explore GOP Healthcare Website

Today I am pleased to feature in this space an introduction to the new Assembly Republican Caucus website on healthcare.  Actually, rather than me telling you all about it, we have a short column from Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, inviting you to check it out (there is a great new video up on it)…  I will say that it is a worthwhile site to check out because on it, Republicans outline over a dozen common-sense proposals to help increase access to and the affordability of healthcare in California…

Republican Health Care Website Shows Real Impact on Taxpayers and Economy

By Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines

As we debate significant changes to California’s health care system, most people have no idea what we are talking about when we discuss terms like “ERISA,” “high risk pool” or “individual mandate.”

But how we address these and many other significant issues in the health care debate will significantly impact how much you and your family pay for health coverage, the quality and availability of medical care, and the fate of many local businesses.

**There is more – click the link**

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