In place of our regular daily commentary, we feature the following special guest commentary from Republican Assemblyman Guy Houston. Houston, who serves as Vice-Chairman of the Assembly’s Local Government Committee, is an important voice in the debate over the future of ACA 8, the "Trojan Horse" faux-Eminent Domain "reform" measure put forth by the League of Cities as a blocking-maneuver to prevent a real reform measure that would have protections for all property owners against abusive government takings. In Houston’s commentary, just see how many kinds of property are NOT protected from "Kelo" type government action? Without any further introduction, here is Houston’s piece:
Republican Opposition Can Stop Misleading Eminent Domain “Reform”
by Assemblyman Guy Houston
The soap opera that is the eminent domain debate continues and in recent days has come to a point. Two proposals are moving through the Legislature right now. Both are constitutional amendments, so the stakes are high. Whatever eminent domain reform gets the Legislature’s and the voters’ approval will likely remain in place for a very long time.
**There is more – click the link**