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Mike Spence

AB 1634 Supporters Rip Off GOP Logo

AB 1634 is the bill that requires pet owners to rip off (ok neuter or spay) thier pets you know whats. The supporters of this bill have set up a fake Republicans for AB 1634 web site that illegally uses the GOP trademark of an elephant with stars.

Both this site and the official AB 1634 site used the same private registrant company. You can clearly see the illegal use of the trademarked GOP elephant logo. See here. Only official GOP chartered groups may use the logo.

This site is set up by an "S. L. Reeves." No word on if the elephant still has his??.

2 Responses to “AB 1634 Supporters Rip Off GOP Logo”

  1. Says:

    Mike, don’t forget to come by and pet Lassie today! 2 p.m.

  2. Says:

    For someone claiming to be a Republican, “SL Reeves” has been pretty careful to conceal his identity…makes you wonder.