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Jon Fleischman

Urgent Memo to Assembly GOP Legislators regarding ACA 8


Date: July 9, 2007
To: Assembly Republican Legislators
From: Jon Fleischman, Publisher, The FlashReport
RE: Your vote is urgently needed against ACA 8

There is a very dangerous measure making its way through the California legislature right now, Assembly Constitutional Amendment 8, authored by Democrat Hector De La Torre.

Why is this measure dangerous? As we all know, the tragic decision of the United States Supreme Court in Kelo vs. New London has allowed for significant abuse of eminent domain by government, allowing private property to be seized by local government on behalf of other private parties, if there is economic benefit to the local government. It’s a terrible decision, and one that rightly strikes fear into all advocates of the rights of private property owners.

Since the decision passed, all across America, we are seeing states adopt measures to protect property owners in their states. Last year, California voters had an opportunity to enact real protections against eminent domain abuse in Proposition 90, which unfortunately did not pass.

Fortunately, there is an initiative that has been drafted and is currently gathering signatures for the ballot next year that is co-sponsored by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the California Farm Bureau, and the California Alliance to Protect Property Rights. This measure is the ‘real deal’ — it actually does what it says, ends the ability for local government to use the Kelo decision to trample the rights of property owners. (Any information you need on this measure, as well as a comparison of it to ACA 8 can be found here.).

The ‘redevelopment industry’ is a powerful one, with tremendous resources and natural allies amongst the party of Clinton. Undoubtedly they will be trying their hardest to ‘lure’ Republicans into supporting their measure, whether through misleading lobbying about this measure’s contents, or veiled commitments for help in future political battles. Don’t fall prey to their rhetoric.

So far, ACA 8 has no received any Republican votes, and the great news for those of us in the Republican Party is that ACA requires a two-thirds vote in the Assembly in order to pass. It is for this reason that a full-court press is on by those who want to protect and safeguard the ability of local governments to abuse property owners using this horrible seizure method.

Fortunately, the proverbial ‘cat is out of the bag’ on this one, and the League of California Cities and other agents of the ‘redevelopment industry’ have been exposed.

They would like nothing more than for you to be one of the votes to place this measure on the ballot, to deflate the enthusiasm and energy for the very real measure that will be on the ballot next year, that will actually curb the power of local governments to facilitate these immoral ‘takings’ from private property owners.

Thank you for taking the time to read this memo. Your vote against ACA 8 will send a strong message — that we, as Republicans, can’t be ‘played for fools’ by those who would stop real reform.

Oh yes, there is a very real Kelo "fix" that has been introduced by Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, ACA 2. Why don’t you ask any of those who are lobbying you to support the faux-measure to instead join you in supporting ACA 2. (Don’t hold your breath waiting for them to join you.)

In today’s issue of the FlashReport, we feature links to several items that are all about this urgent matter:

ACA 8 — Property Owners Don’t Need This Kind of Help! — State Senator Jim Battin

Another Emiment Domain Bait and Switch — Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely — Former Assemblyman Ray Haynes

The League of Cities Introduces Eminent Domain Ballot Measure — A Trojan Horse — FR Publisher Jon Fleischman

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