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Prius Owners Have Fun Too

Al Gore III was arrested early this morning in Orange County after being pulled over for driving 100 miles per hour according to Reuters.

The former vice president’s 24 year-old kid was driving a hybrid Toyota Prius.  I have newfound respect for the Prius–the fact that it can 100 mph, I might consider driving one, as a rental, if I had to.

Also, young Gore had the making of a party, if your in to that sort of thing: marijuana, along with prescription drugs including Valium, Xanax, Vicodin and Adderall, said sheriff’s spokesman Jim Amormino. There were no prescriptions found, he said.

Good luck to young Gore, it can be rough growing up with money and privilege.

Care to  post his $20,000 bail?   Go to for details.

3 Responses to “Prius Owners Have Fun Too”

  1. Says:

    My wife and I came to the same conclusion as Adam — newfound respect for the Prius!

    We heard he was pulled over around Crown Valley exit at #5, in south Orange County.

    Well, he is in the care of Sheriff Carona for the moment.

  2. Says:

    Hybrid proof that you don’t have to have it all in your gas tank to be gassed.

    A new marketing campaign for the four finger baggie just occurred to me as well: The MJ leaf “logo” along with the wording “Go Green with the Gores.”

  3. Says:

    Can you blame the kid for trying to stay intoxicated?
    After all, he has had to put up with his dad even longer then we have.