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Brandon Powers

Tim Morgan Chronicle OpEd: A Wonderful Work of Fiction

As the drama regarding the resignation of Michael Kamburowski has been unfolding, I had been hoping that I could get someone on the CRP Board to shoot me straight, explain what actually went on, and tell me how this, let’s call it a “diversion” from Ron Nehring’s ‘Strategic Plan,’ happened in the first place.

But as I woke up yesterday, I never thought it would be as easy as clicking onto the San Francisco Chronicle’s website and reading it straight from the mouth, or I guess rather the keyboard, of the CRP’s National Committeeman, Tim Morgan.

Tim wrote about what a “sad day” it was for the CRP. And in one respect, he was correct. It is a sad day when a CRP Board member goes to arguably the least Republican friendly newspaper in the state to try to air the Party’s dirty laundry and attempt to distance himself from an unfolding controversy.

Beyond the fact that his own piece highlights Tim’s irrelevance on the CRP Board – that not a single other Board member agreed with his “righteous” arguments, the fact that this piece was ever written just goes to show his amazingly poor political judgment, and how Tim’s desire to attack CRP Chairman Ron Nehring in the mainstream media trumped any desire to help the CRP overcome this fiasco.

That said, there is one other big problem with Tim’s grandstanding claim to have been the lonely voice shouting from the moral high ground about the oncoming iceberg, it just isn’t true.

Attached you’ll see the minutes from that very CRP meeting which show that the hiring of Kamburowski’s wasn’t a 19-1 vote as Tim claimed, but a unanimous vote 14-0, with 7 members absent. Tim even confirmed the accuracy of these minutes by joining in a unanimous vote to approve those minutes at the following Board Meeting.

I don’t even know where to begin putting into perspective the egregiousness of a Member of the CRP’s Board of Directors reaching out to the Chronicle of all papers to attack the rest of the Board, only for the entire attack be a complete fabrication of the truth.

It is simply unbelievable.

If Ron was looking for a way to reassert his leadership, I’d suggest he strip down Tim’s travel budgets that send him to posh resorts all over the country on the CRP’s dime. After all, it’s not like he’s bringing any RNC money back to California anyways.

This whole ordeal has been surreal. And Tim’s fictional accounts of how the hiring took place just adds to it.

Tim was right about one thing though. It is a “sad day” for the CRP. It’s sad that we have a National Committeeman with such a low regard for the truth. It’s sad that we have a National Committeeman with such poor political judgment. And it’s sad that we have a National Committeeman who lets personal animosity get in the way of our Party getting back up after receiving a pretty nasty black eye.

2 Responses to “Tim Morgan Chronicle OpEd: A Wonderful Work of Fiction”

  1. Says:

    Good article Brandon. Just shows what happens when someone tries to make points for themselves at the cost of the party.
    We will remember this come RNC election time.

  2. Says:

    The minutes of the CRP Board meeting were very interesting. Is there any way that the regular member/delegates of CRP can easily obtain such minutes in the future? Transparency is a good idea so that misunderstandings can be quelled at the outset.