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Jon Fleischman

Get Over It

The last few days there has been quite a bit of discussion about the sudden circumstances surrounding the abrupt departure of the California Republican Party’s Chief Operating Officer.
To those who are still interesting in rehashing this matter…  Get over it.  It’s time to move on.  The guy omitted key information when he applied for the job.  When it was revealed, he quit. 
The CRP has hired a new, well qualified, intirim COO.  The Chairman has expressed his regret over the situation.  A higher degree of scrutiny will be given to future applicants.  End of story.
We’re now at the point where people who do not have the best interests of the California Republican Party at heart want to make a long, drawn out issue (like our "friends" at the San Francisco Chronicle). 
If any readers of this website still have any real lingering questions or concerns about this matter, go ahead and drop me an e-mail and I will be happy to speak with you about it.

I am making this post deliberately short to emphasize my point.
(Joe, I figured you would appreciate the song title of this post.)

2 Responses to “Get Over It”

  1. Says:

    Jon, I appreciate your political perspective and your statement about needing to move on. Good work.

    Your taste in music….not so much.

  2. Says:

    I think a long, drawn out discussion is needed and helpful.

    Why, for example, was this obvously unqualified candidate chosen by CRP Chair Nehring? On the basis of a personal friendship that made the hiring of a crony more important than winning?

    Covering up the facts is rarely good policy. Why does Fleishman
    pursue it?