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Jon Fleischman

Assembly GOPers to Dymally: “What is the impact of ERISA?”

There are a lot of reasons why the massive state government expansion into California’s health care marketplace is a bad idea.  But there is a very good chance the the proposals by the Governor and Democrats violate the Federal  Employee Retirement Income Security Act.  FR friend and San Diego Union Tribune editorial writer Chris Reed has been the loudest trumpet on this issue, but now six Assembly Republicans have signed a letter to Democrat Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally, Chairman of the Health Committee, formally requesting a hearing to examine how ERISA might impact proposed plans…  The signers were all five GOPers on the Health Committee, along with the Assembly Republican Leader: Dr. Alan Nakaniski, Dr. Bill Emmerson, Ted Gaines, Bob Huff, Audra Strickland, and Mike Villines.
The letter is thoughtfully written, and worth a looksee.  It’s linked below.

I’m not sure that actual legitimate policy concerns matter much to the Nunez machine, on their endless quest to expand the size and scope of state government…  But I am proud that Assembly Republicans are showing leadership on this important issue!