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Barry Jantz

Jaw Dropping…to Say the Least

Let me make sure I have it straight.  After I posted the other day on the CRP’s hiring of Chris Matthews as reported in the SF Chron, I get a PEED OFF phone call from a high-up in the State GOP (one that does not write for the FR), essentially ticked that I would repeat anything in that paper, and asking why I would purposely extend a prior week’s story into a second week.

My answer:  Many were talking about it, but few were writing about it.  It deserved to be vetted and debated.  And, I believed I had provided both sides … and would let the commenters drive the debate.  They did.

As well, I indicated to the caller that I would try to verify the story with them in the future.

Then, I get attacked on other blogs for a perceived defense of the CRP, when in actuality many wouldn’t have even known of the hirings without my FR posts.

Then, I put myself out there more by suggesting Ron Nehring wouldn’t hire anyone unqualified — citizen or not — and saying it looked like the CRP had followed the rules — like it or not about the non-citizens (which is also a legitimate debate).

Of course, qualifications can be based both on experience and legitimacy.  I should have suggested such.

Well, after this morning’s revelations, I’m not checking with anyone first.  The CRP needs to stand up and say that today’s Chron story is absolutely wrong (in which case someone may have a HUGE libel lawsuit on their hands), or that the GOP screwed the pooch on this one (excuse the expression), as well as what is going to be done about the situation, post haste.

We are waiting.