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Barry Jantz

COO Resignation Not the Noble Thing

9:45 pm Update:  Check out the NY Sun article, including this:

"The California Republican Party Operations Committee held a teleconference tonight with Mike Kamburowski where he offered his resignation, which has been accepted," the state party chairman, Ronald Nehring, said in a terse statement e-mailed to The New York Sun. "We thank him for his service."
Brandon has it below and Red County SB has it as well.  I’ll assume that’s good as gold.  I’ll look forward to an official statement from the CRP.

That said, Kamburowski’s resignation was not the noble thing to do.  In this case, it is largely irrelevant whether the feds were wrong in any arrest or deportation procedure, even if the now former COO was 100% in the right.  From a PR standpoint, what is relevant is that it happened and that it wasn’t fully disclosed by the job applicant, thus calling into question his judgment.  

The noble thing would have been for him to disclose it to Nehring and the board, but he likely knew that wouldn’t help him pass the muster.  No one said we was dumb … but apparently he didn’t have a clue.

Can anyone say background check?  Yes, apparently the SF Chronicle can.  Given the PR spectacle, the only answer for the CRP now is to own up to an incomplete (or lack of) thorough background investigation, as well as admit to the fact that the pertinent info that would have been of concern to the CRP board, CRP membership and public was not forthcoming from the job applicant, Mr. Kamburowski.

Then, indicate that a policy will be immediately in place regarding backgrounds on all employees, including those that have not been vetted prior.

I understand there’s already talk in the membership of additional policies regarding the hiring of non-citizens.

It’s 9:30 pm….I’m still looking for an official statement.

I think that’s also how I ended my last post.


Read my updated and prior posts on the subject here.

One Response to “COO Resignation Not the Noble Thing”

  1. Says:

    Hi Barry, What about hiring the other alien? Have we no Republicans who can do the job?