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Barry Jantz

GOP Employees: A Compelling Closure to the Discussion

A couple of days ago, I said I would facilitate this discussion.  Several comments were posted to my original blog on both sides of the issue (see them here).  And, if you haven’t seen the powerful statement posted by San Diego GOP Chairman Tony Krvaric, a fairly recent citizen himself, you need to read it (posted after my part two entry).

I know some had hoped the issue had gone away by now.  After reading the following additional input, perhaps this will be the end … it is for me.

A couple of folks emailed me without posting a comment, yet gave me permission to publish their very compelling insights.  The first is from Howard Epstein, vice chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party.  The second is from a member of the State GOP, to be left anonymous.  It is a MUST READ.

Ok, before you go off wondering about me accepting at face value the comments of an anonymous e-mailer, let me make it clear.  The individual is known to me (and to publisher Jon Fleischman).  The person is most definitely a CRP member.  My commitment to this individual is not to disclose his/her name on the blogosphere (for what should be obvious reasons, once you read the comments).

From Howard Epstein:

This story was more about the Chronicle attempting to play "gotcha" than CRP hiring an immigrant.  I assume you read the paper on  the web and may not know that the hard copy was published on the front page above the fold.  It had some human interest, but it was not that important.   The Chron’s dislike for Republicans is evident just about every morning.  Below is a letter I sent that was not and will not be published. 

To:  Editor, San Francisco Chronicle 
CC:  Carla Marinucci – S.F. Chronicle 


Carla Marinucci mixes apples with oranges when she compares hiring legal immigrants with hiring illegal aliens in a feeble attempt to show inconsistencies in the California Republican Party’s hiring policy.  (State GOP goes outside U.S. to hire top aid, 06/14, Pg1) Most Republicans welcome legal immigrants and their contributions. However, most Republicans want to end illegal immigration and have secure borders. These are not inconsistent views as Marinucci would have you believe.

She continues by telling us that Ron Nehring is a conservative Republican with connections to Americans for Tax Reform like those are revelations. Those facts are not now, nor have they ever been secrets.

Carla Marinucci is a word smith by trade. She attempts to change public opinion by salting stories with what she considers “zingers”. This is one reason why the Chronicle is losing readership and why some of us are considering whether to renew our subscriptions when they become due.

Howard Epstein
Vice Chair/ Political Affairs
San Francisco Republican Party

And, from the State GOPer:

I’ve been reading all the various comments and blogs about the hiring of Mr. Chris Matthews and I was hurt and (at times) offended that some members of our Party would react the way they have.  In order to appreciate my perspective, it may be helpful to know where I’m coming from.

I became a US citizen in August of 2001. Walked down the stairs, across the street to the post office, and registered as a Republican.  Soon after, I worked for various Republican politicians nationwide.   I’m a very active Republican and I’m very proud of my U.S. citizenship.  I’ve been an extremely active member of society as young as the 7th grade, whether it was by volunteering at my elementary school’s fundraiser when I was in junior high, promoting civic activism/leadership in high school, and even working toward responsible resolutions when dealing with Middle Eastern issues in college.  None of these would have been possible if it wasn’t for legal immigration!

Two of my uncles immigrated to the U.S. legally back in the 60’s.  They went through the appropriate channels and later became U.S. citizens.  My father had also immigrated here with a Green Card back in 1969, but decided that the "hippie" lifestyle he saw in LA at the time was not the suitable for his children.

In 1986 one of my uncles visited us in Iran.  He experienced an air raid: when the sirens go off, we have to turn off all the lights, run down to the basement, then duck and cover because Saddam’s planes were approaching.  He also heard Saddam’s planes fly past our neighborhood and bombs dropping in the distance.  After that he decided that his sister and her children weren’t going to live in fear any longer.

My parents and uncles went through the appropriate channels and we were scheduled for an interview (or some more paperwork) with the U.S. Embassy in Turkey on a Friday in December of 1986.  On Tuesday or Wednesday night before our trip, the sirens went off, but this time the planes didn’t just fly past our neighborhood.  They bombed our neighborhood, 4 times. The 2nd bomb was about 8 or 10 houses to our right and the 3rd bomb was 2 houses to our left.  I was only 5 at the  time.  I remember EVERYTHING.  The sounds, smell, fire, ashes, shattered glass, looters, search & rescue dogs, and the dead bodies of my friends being pulled out of the rubble.  Again, I was only 5!

That Friday we went to Turkey, went through all the paperwork and on June 24, 1987 we arrived in New York and waited for our connecting flight to LAX. Everyday I am grateful that my uncles were able to get their visas back in the 60’s and that no one stood in our way when we were applying for our Green Cards.  We were welcomed to the U.S. and treated like every other person living here.

I’m very proud to be a Republican because I believe we’re the Party that welcomes all who come here legally and encourage them to become an active/productive member of society.  In Republican circles, I’m first a Republican, then I’m associated with my County, work/organizational affiliations, etc, etc (there are some people in GOP circles that still don’t know and don’t care that I was born in Iran).  But around Democrats, I’m first and foremost an immigrant from Iran and they try to make my story sound like I was some type of a victim. I’m not, thanks to LEGAL immigration I’m an American like everyone else here.

When I found out about the Party hiring Mr. Matthews, I was very proud.  I have recently met him and I realize why he received the job.  He’s very capable and intelligent.  I’m grateful for being given the opportunity to live a better life and I welcome EVERYONE who comes here LEGALLY.  He’ll be paying taxes like you and me.  I’m sure he’ll be an active/productive member of society. It’s unfortunate that some people have taken this hiring out of proportion.  By hiring him, the Party is not saying that an American couldn’t do the job; they’re saying that out of the pool of applicants he was the most qualified or fit for the job as "political director of technology."

All of my siblings living in the U.S. are very productive members of society who have obtained their graduate degrees and have amazing & loving children who aren’t jaded by the cruel world that we faced as children.  This weekend as my family celebrates two birthdays, including our youngest addition’s 1st birthday, we will also celebrate the 20th anniversary of the day we arrived in America.  We are a mixed family, so I’ll be proud and boasting that the California Republican Party has welcomed a legal immigrant to their staff. I’ve already boasted this to a couple of the Democrats in my extended family and they were very impressed that the CRP does not use prejudicial hiring practices.

I’m embarrassed and offended by some of the judgmental comments on various blogs.  I just think that if someone had stood in the way of my uncles when they were getting us here, I wouldn’t be here.  I know exactly what my life would be like if I was in Iran and I thank God every day that my parents didn’t want that for my future.  These people that are spewing hate don’t know what it’s like to want to live in America and finally be given an opportunity to do so.  I’m sure Mr. Matthews is very grateful and plans on being an outstanding addition to the team, with his eyes on the prize: winning Republican seats in 2008!  It’s unfortunate that some people have forgotten why their ancestors came to the U.S. and are taking their citizenship for granted.  Whether you or your parents immigrated here or an ancestor, we should welcome and give an opportunity to all those who want to come here legally, not just as Republicans, but as Americans!

~ A CRP Member

2 Responses to “GOP Employees: A Compelling Closure to the Discussion”

  1. Says:

    To the Anonymous GOPer:

    By your logic, why don’t we replace all of the state GOP leaders with immigrants?

    I haven’t seen one person throughout this episode lament the existence or presence of legal immigrants. We are a party that values rugged individualism and self-determination. We value those who pull up their own bootstraps and get the job done.

    The issue is very simple: Is there not a Californian more qualified than this individual for the job? What message is sent to California GOPers who put their blood and sweat equity into our organization?

    I keep hearing how qualified Chris Matthews is and all the work he has done. Yet, through my albeit superficial glance, I don’t see much out there on this guy.

    So…at the end of the day, I ask a simple question: Is there not an individual in the State of California that has roughly the same sized population as all of Canada more qualified?

    Leaving the world of politics for a second and moving to the corporate world. Say you are an upper level executive of a Fortune 500 company and you see your boss pass you over for someone outside the company.

    Assuming that that individual is not more qualified, how do you respond? Most people would feel dejected, devalued and demoralized and would lose their fervor to work their very best for that company.

  2. Says:

    Just a few quick thoughts:

    1. As long as Mr. Matthews and the new COO are legally able to work in our great country/state, I see no problems.
    2. When I was Political Director of the CRP, I visited the SD Party a few times during the election. At that time, I met Chris Matthews and found him to be a nice guy and very capable at his role during GOTV in 2004. Unfortunately, I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting the new COO. I look forward to at some point.
    3. Comments by Flash-regulars: Hanretty, Paule and Turner have all made interesting points not simply associated to the “legal” question, but rather about hiring individuals without significant CA political experience. And so, dovetailing off of their thoughts, I ask – since the Party has been “professionalized,” was a professional search of qualified candidates from CA and other states conducted? If so, and the results are what we have, then I concur with Barry Jantz, this issue should be closed.

    However, if not, I can see how this subject will continue to be an issue.