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Jon Fleischman

Democrat Sen. Lou Correa says NO to the raise. What about GOPers?

3:40pm: Assemblyman Alan Nakanishi has turned down the raise.

2:00pm: Senator Abel Maldonado has turned down the raise.

Yesterday the ‘independent commission’ that does such things approved a modest pay raise for State Constitutional Officers and Legislators. 

I saw that Orange County Democrat Senator Lou Correa is turning down his raise.

Which makes me wonder how many REPUBLICANS are saying no to the pay increase.  So if you are reading this, and you are Governor Schwarzenegger, Insurance Commissioner Poizner, BOE Members Michelle Steel or Bill Leonard, a Republican Senator or Assemblymember, or a member of the staff of any of the above, and you want to share with us whether you (or your boss, as applicable) are taking the raise or not, we’ll start to publish the results on this page!

You can post a comment, or just e-mail me here.

I will start off by saying I received a release from Assembly Ted Gaines saying he was NOT taking the raise…