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Mike Spence

AB 951. The Gov should veto and my possible July 4th plans

AB 951 is Big Government. The Governor should veto it and shame on the GOP Lawmakers that voted for it.
Yesterday, The Senate passed AB 951. This bill rushed through both houses with an emergency clause will ban all alcohol in open OR closed containers on boats on the state controlled portions of the American River during long holiday weekends.
Now what outrages me about this bill are the questions never asked by the Republicans. Many of which foolishly voted for the bill.
If you can believe this, the legislature is saying that if you have a party on a boat or raft the Thursday before a big holiday and leave a couple cans of beer that no one drank on it, the next day you are breaking the law!
Why is this so important to pass? This is from the analysis.

Save the American River Association, Inc., states "our holiday weekend volunteers, particularly those at exit points, have consistently witnessed disgusting and dangerous behavior by many rafters.  Not only are many too drunk to stand, let alone walk or drive, many of those who are able to still function resort to attacks on others – often innocent – rafters fight among themselves, remove their clothing, defecate and urinate on the river banks.  This inappropriate and aggressive behavior creates a very unsafe atmosphere and discourages parkway use by families and individuals."

Really? Do people with closed containers of alcohol cause these disgusting events? Wait aren’t this things already illegal?
I doubt I could defecate on the American River Bank legally. If I can, I’ll see you on the Fourth of July and you will wish you had plenty to drink.
The point is why aren’t the laws against the people breaking the law being enforced?
We didn’t need new laws that targeted people minding their own business. The Governor should veto this bill. He won’t, but he should.
Unfortunately, the desire to pass more laws against innocent people inflicted GOP lawmakers.

In the Senate three GOP votes came from (Maldonado, Wyland and Cox). In the Assembly they came from way to many big government nanny staters. (Aghazarian, Benoit, Blakeslee, Cook, Fuller, Gaines, Garcia, Horton, Houston, Huff, Jeffries, Keene, Nakanishi, Niello, Sharon Runner, Silva, Spitzer, Strickland,)