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Jon Fleischman

Joe Shumate returns, hanging a shingle with Mark Bogetich and Co.

From time to time, it’s important to note the goings on with some of our FR friends.  Hot off of the presses is the news that Joe Shumate (with whom I had a chance to do some work back when I was Executive Director of the State GOP), and whom I would charactarize as a savvy political strategist and a voter targeting expert, is joining up with well-respected opposition research specialist Mark Bogetich (pictured) and (along with two policy-wonk types, Mike Kahoe and Larry Green) are starting up a new firm, BGK Strategies.

From chatting with Mark, it would appear that their firm will focus on independent expenditure efforts, ballot measure campaigns, issue advocacy and public affairs projects.  Republican candidates fear not, Mark assures me that he and Joe will continue to provide services to GOP candidates.

Bonus round question: Which candidate for President did Joe Shumate help win election in 1996?  Hint:  It wasn’t Bill Clinton, and it wasn’t Bob Dole.  Give up, comrade?  Click here.

One Response to “Joe Shumate returns, hanging a shingle with Mark Bogetich and Co.”

  1. Says:

    In my limited years I’ve found Shumate to be the best in the business when it comes to crunching numbers. If you look back through statewide GOP winners over the years, you’ll see his name attached to most of them.