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James V. Lacy

Gilmore promises “National Property Rights Initiative” if elected President

Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore announced today that if he is elected President, he will launch a "national property rights initiative" to put the Federal government in the forefront of opposing private property rights abuses through eminent domain. Invoking the property rights case known as Kelo v. City of New London, Gilmore stated he would: reissue an Executive Order of Ronald Reagan restraining the Federal government from abusing private property rights in Federal construction projects; create an Assistant to the President in the White House to oversee Federal protection of property rights; order the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to issue new regulations protecting property rights in Federal housing programs and construction; and create a Federal Commission to receive reports on property rights abuses at the state and local level.  Gilmore made the announcement at the annual National Taxpayers Union taxpayers conference in Washington, D.C.

Gilmore discussed his background as a former Republican National Committee Chairman and as a member of a Federal Commission that investigated domestic terrorism.  But he also took jabs at two other presidential candidates.  His harshest words were for Senator Clinton.  But his most interesting comments in this regard was his statement that he is a "former Attorney General" who "has been a real prosecutor, and not just make believe on T.V.", a somewhat over-the-top shot at former Senator Fred Thompson, another presidential contender.

Gilmore received very enthusiastic, but not standing, applause from the anti-tax group after his speech.

One Response to “Gilmore promises “National Property Rights Initiative” if elected President”

  1. Says:

    Wow. Gilmore is finally hitting his stride. Now he actually tells us what he wants to do instead of pimping his website and telling us to go find the info there.