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Barry Jantz

Fletcher Kickoff Impressive

UPDATE…some additional input from another source:

Anyone who was there last night (and just about every major donor in San Diego was) witnessed an incredible start to Nathan Fletcher’s campaign for the 75th State Assembly District. 
More than 150 donors attended, raising over $100,000.  Not bad for your first fundraiser. Even Pete Wilson joked that the event was bigger than his kickoff for his first run for governor.
The catered event at the home of Gene and Taffin Ray was a class act.  With the backing of Republican leaders like Gov. Pete Wilson, Duncan Hunter, George Plescia, Mark Wyland, and countless others (not to mention Barry Jantz – ok, that was my insert), Nathan Fletcher is well on his way.


75th AD candidate Nathan Fletcher’s campaign kickoff was last nite, and although I had other commitments (I am supporting Nathan for the George Plescia term-limited seat), I do have my "spies."

One local elected offical in attendance had this to report:

I’ve been to dozens of assembly events and for a first event for a first time candidate it was truly impressive. Great Rancho Santa Fe home packed with a wide spectrum of Republican donors. Gov Wilson gave a great talk for Nathan.  Both are Marines – and Pete used to represent part of the 75th in the assembly.
Several members of Nathan’s Marine unit were there to send their buddy into the political fray.  Mindy was prominently featured and added a warmth to the military tone of the evening.  She is a political asset that most new candidates can only dream of!  Nathan gave an upbeat optimistic speech.  It was a very impressive opening night.  Really, it was about equivalent to a U.S.Senate event in quality.

I’m awaiting some other possible comments and photos from the evening.  Yet, the initial reports only further substantiate Nathan as the man to beat in the 75th.