A mom in marijuana” and made him stand there from 7:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. You can read the full story here. Of course, there are people who think Dominiq’s mom was too harsh on the boy, but he doesn’t think so. Neither does his coach, who stopped to shake his mom’s hand.
My kids are small enough now that the biggest problems I have are my daughters leaving their bedroom light on 24/7 and my son never picking up his Legos. But if (hopefully not when) I have to ever deal with the kind of tough problem Christine Drye faces with her son, I hope I have the strength to dish out the tough love that she did.
June 15th, 2007 at 12:00 am
Christine Drye for Superintendent of California Public Instruction!
She would have to be a MAJOR improvement over what has
shuffled through that job for the past generation.