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Matthew J. Cunningham

Rudy Giuliani AT OC GOP Flag Day Dinner

Cross-posted from Red County/OC Blog.

Another Republican Party of Orange County Flag Day dinner has come and gone. 1,100 people attended this year’s event and the OC GOP raised $300,000.

This year saw a continuance of the parade of presidential hopefuls who have become a staple for the yearly dinner, in the former of former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. You can read account by Martin Wisckol (here and here) and Larry Gilbert.

Giuliani’s Speech
I haven’t picked a horse in this race — at least among the four front runners (Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain and Fred Thompson). I find it difficult to imagine a scenario in which I would vote for Rudy Giuliani in the primary, and his speech last night didn’t change that.

Flag_day_2007_014 Be that as it may, it was a good speech — not great, but good. While it made me more comfortable with the idea of him as the nominee, I think Giuliani missed a real opportunity to knock it out of the park in front of a crowd that really enjoys a good slab of red meat.

As others have noted, he focused on national security and illegal immigration. Rudy really is eloquent and compelling on the former issue, whcih despite the ill-managed War in Iraq will still accrue to the GOP’s favor next year, especially if the Congressional Democrats become ever more shrill in pushing for withdrawal at almost any cost. Americans may not like how the war is being fought, but that doesn’t mean they want to put the defeatist party in charge of foreign policy.

Giuliani spoke with agility on illegal immigration, maintaining the securing the border is the essential first step toward dealing with our enormous illegal immigrant population — although he was careful not to say what he would do about the latter.

His proposal for a "Border Stat" program (based on his Com Stat program to reduce crime in NYC)  to combine a security fence with a far more flexible, rapidly responding Border Patrol is the first time I’ve heard any of the presidential present a genuine idea about securing the border that went beyond pledging to secure the border.

There weren’t very many big applause lines — or at least few of Giuliani’s lines received big applauses, which i think underlines the missed opportunity for Giuliani last night to really rev up that crowd with some real red meat that could knock some fence-sitters into his camps or cause others to re-think their choices. I think he succeeded in causing doubters like me to reach some assurance that we will enthusiastically support him should he win the nomination, but Giuliani could have acheived more with a better speech.

Other Flag Day Happenings
Mrs. Jubal and I made it into the VIP reception this year. While you generally see the same people at the VIP as you see at other OC GOP events, the bar is hosted — unlike other OC GOP events.

I snapped a picture of Westminster Councilman Kermit Marsh for the blog, because kilts are cool:


(Moving from left to right are Mignon Whitaker, OC GOP 1st Vice Chairman and Orange Planning commissioner Fred Whtaker, Kerrrrrrmit and his lovely wife)

Later on, as I was talking to former (and we can only wish future) Anaheim Councilman Tom Tait, Supervisor Janet Nguyen came over to shake hands as she worked the lobby. Janet grabbed my arms and joked she should get $50 for every time her name appears on this blog. Just as long as she reports it! (Seriously, kudos to Janet for the sense of humor).

Here’s a shot of Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle presenting former NYC Mayor Rudy Giulani with an Anaheim Ducks cap.


The annual challenge of the Flag Day dinner is moving the always-overpacked program along expeditiously, and Curt did an admirable job given the reluctance of some speakers to relinquish the microphone.

Speaking of which, John Kobylt of KFI’s John & Ken Show was one of two who introduced Giuliani. Kobylt talked about what it was like to live in pre-Giuliani New York and endorsed Giuliani for president. I’m told Kobylt was inserted (literally) into the program at the insistence of the Giuliani campaign. While Kobylt is popular with the virulent anti-immigration crowd, several in attendance expressed their displeasure at having Kobylt as a speaker in light of his caustic on-air denunciations of Republicans.

I thought it was strange to have Kobylt speak given the grossly unfair and dishonest way in which he treated then-Senate John Campbell during the 48th CD special election (when J & K adopted Jim Gilchrist as their special project and wet-nursed him through on-air appearances), not to mention Kobylt’s flaying of OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh during the same contest.

Speaking of the virulent anti-immigration crowd, there was one on location to welcome Mayor Giuliani to the event:

Flag_day_2007_003_2 Flag_day_2007_002

In case you hadn’t’ figured it out, the Cross-Dressing Giuliani impersonator helpfully scrawled "Gay Flag" on the gay flag he/she(?) waving. Note to impersonator: your antics don’t help the party.

3 Responses to “Rudy Giuliani AT OC GOP Flag Day Dinner”

  1. Says:


    Thank you for this colorful report on the OC GOP Flag Day dinner.

    Regarding John & Ken…. I’ve heard them say the same things you
    mention. What they DO have, however, are listeners.

    In 2006, KFI became the 1st AM station to be # 1 in L.A. market
    ratings since 1987. (per LA Times, 07/25/06).

    Perhaps a famous quote attributed to President Lyndon Johnson
    may explain the thinking on this in the Rudy camp:

    “Better to have him Inside the Tent peeing Out, than to have him
    Outside the tent peeing In.”

  2. Says:

    Mad props goes out to the OCGOP staff (George Andrews, Francis Barraza and Audra Adams) and volunteers who made this event possible. The Republican Party of Orange County is a well oiled machine that will only continue to grow! This event proves why this is “America’s Most Republican County.”

  3. Says:

    “several in attendance expressed their displeasure at having Kobylt as a speaker in light of his caustic on-air denunciations of Republicans”

    What? No love for those who refuse to drink the GOP Kool-Aid?