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Mike Spence

GOP and the 37th Congressional District

In a little over two weeks voters will go to the polls to elect a new Congressman for the 37th Congressional District. The area is most of Long Beach, Compton, Carson and Signal Hill. It is the 4th most Democratic district in California. In 2006, the GOP did not field a candidate. This special election, due to the death of Juanita Millender-McDonald has brought out 17 candidates. Four of them are Republicans.
While the Democratic field is dominated by Assembly member Laura Richardson and State Senator Jenny Oropeza, the GOP side has been controversial in the LA GOP circles.
There have been two failed attempts by factions within the Los Angeles County GOP to endorse a candidate in the race. The candidates are:
LEROY JOSEPH "L.J." GUILLORY also know as Bishop Guillory. He is the most controversial and colorful. He served 8 ½ years for kidnapping and extortion. Time he says was spent as a political prisoner for taking on corruption. He had planned to run for this seat before a special was announced. He does have what he calls “street credibility”. Not sure how that helps in a GOP primary, but it does make things interesting. Bishop does give energetic presentations on himself and issues. Website here.
JEFFREY "LINCOLN" LEAVITT: Not much campaigning from him. He is listed as a teacher.
TERI RAMIREZ: A mother and businesswoman, I actually got a call from a Washington DC consultant working for her. She may have some resources.
JOHN M. KANALEY: Kanaley is a Long beach Police officer and Iraq War Veteran. He has the endorsement of the Long Beach Police Officer’s Association, former Long Beach Councilman Frank Colonna. Web Site here. is reporting on a Richardson Poll that had a huge don’t know vote, but had Kanaley as the top Republican at 5% of the vote. (4th overall). See poll here.